Let’s ditch the traditional (or dare I say - cookie cutter) approach to wellness together!
Everywhere I look, I see people leaning on generic wellness “solutions” because their underlying health issues are ignored by traditional healthcare providers.
Holistic wellness isn’t easy to achieve due to the lack of alternative better options and education.
That’s when I knew what I could really help people do:
Whether you want to be more vibrant every day by using the right products, or you want a strategic partner to encourage and equip you on topics such as balancing hormones and nutrition advice, there’s a way I can help.
1:1 Consultation
Need someone to gracefully speak to your heart, and show you how to get your health and wellness goals in order? Customers and friends say I’m honest even when it hurts, with effective suggestions that may make you feel less alone in your current situation and that your feelings and emotions are valid. Let’s get you from confused to clearly confident. I’d be delighted to serve you.
Hop on a session with me to review your goals and make shopping fun again!
1:1 Consultation is right for you if…

Taking care of yourself feels overwhelming…and nothing is working

Your home is full of stuff that doesn’t give you joy or enhance your everyday life

You have some specific holistic wellness questions or goals you want to tackle
How it works
I offer 20-minute to an hour consultation. Get in touch today to find out what is best for you.
Sessions start at $59.

Start by completing and submitting the intake form. This does not lock you in, it’s simply the first step in determining if we’re a good fit and what would work best for you.

Once you’re officially signed on as a client we will schedule your session.

During your session, I will provide suggestions and help you curate a list of product for you. The best part? 20% of your consultation investment can be applied as store credit for future purchases.
The kind of results you can expect:
• No more shopping overwhelm, where-do-I-find-what-works panic
• A collection of products that will work long past any trends
• Personalized consultation on your wellness journey
Are you wanting to transform
your living from skin to soul?
I’d love to check out your products.
head to shop -
I’m ready for personalized support.
Inquire to get started